This was definiately a learning experience for me. I believe I was searching for a perfect source that was going to answer all my questions for too long. I would recomend if you happen to choose a topic with limited imformation available to begin to analize the sources you already have early. Never give up on actually finding that "perfect" source but it is important to start writing your "what I learned" about your report early, even if you have to make changes later after finding better imformation.
I found most of my sources at the university library. Of course, I found many books about Abraham Lincoln but it was a bit of a challange to find books and articles that dealt with my specific topic. So when using the online catalog search it is important to play around with key words that can maximize your chances of finding the sources you are looking for. As an example, I found my best book on my topic when I wrote "humor and wit " instead of "myths" as key words. I also found the Academic Research Premier database the most useful in my particular topic, there you can find more contemporary articles from magazines like Time and USA Today that can give you a better idea on how to focus your paper.
Do not wait for the last minute. The method introduced in class about taking it one step at a time was also very helpful. Then, it just feels like a bunch of small assignments instead of a 8-10 page paper.
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