Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Head Shoulders Knees and Toes: The Persecution of Albinos in Tanzania

Okay! So this topic was crazy, I wanted to research the persecution of Albinos in Tanzania. First things first, do not use the schools database to look for articles on this topic, you will get nothing. Instead use Google Scholar, it works a lot better. You NEED time. Do not wait until the last minute to try and do this assigment, you need to read alot and mae sure all of your sources work. There is an overwhelming amount of information out there and if you do not know what your looking for it will be difficult. But don't worry its actully pretty fun if you pick topic you are interested in. You will be spending a great abount of time with this assignment so you should pick something that you are intesested in. The assignment is not hard, it just takes a long time to do it.

These are some sources that helped me with my topic:
Barnett, Errol. "Witchcraft in Tanzania: The Good, the Bad, the Persecution." CNN. 8 Oct. 2012. Web.
Bucaro, Susie. "A Black Market for Magical Bones: The Curret Plight of East African Albinos." Public Interest Law Reporter 15.2 (2010). Online.
Mbogoni, Lawrence Ezekiel Yona. Aspects of Colonia Tanzania History. Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania: Mkuki Na Nyota, 2013. 3. Print.
Moe, Caitlin. "Persecution of Albinism in Tanzania." Prospect Journal If International Affairs at UCSD (2011). Online.

Winchester, Maddie. "The Right to Be White: Fighting the Persecution of Albinosm in Tanzania." The Expositor (2014): 63-64. Online.


Disney Princesses: Sexualization Hidden Behind Innocent Faces

Hello future English 102 students!

My research topic was about the sexualization of Disney princesses and how they affect young girls.


When young girls are asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” a lot of the times, they yell out in joy, “A princess!” Disney princesses are one of the biggest influences in children, especially in young girls today. They are known as the role models for girls to fantasize about and who they pretend to be. Although this may seem as an innocent play for girls to pass the time, overall there are many negative affects that can overtime be instilled into girls who are constantly exposed to these princesses. My research was based on figuring out how Disney princesses are sexualized and how this type of sexualization affects girls and their self-images. I found out that almost all Disney princesses and female characters are sexualized in many forms, even when on the surface it may not seem like it. I also found out that this sexualization of characters affects young girls greatly, and usually they don’t even realize it. Overall, I came to the conclusion that there are actually more bad than good in using Disney princesses as role models for young girls who are learning how to act and behave by watching these films as they grow up. 


  • Everyone has already said this because we couldn't emphasize it enough: DO. NOT. PROCRASTINATE. Seriously. You're going to die. And then you're going to have to come back to life to finish the paper and it's just not a good feeling. Don't do it.
  • That being said, the earlier you start, the easier it will be to finish the paper and do a good job on it. Just do little by little every day so you don't have to take on a bunch of research and writing all at once. 
  • Make sure you spend a good amount of time finding credible and helpful sources. Solid sources will really help your paper and make it better. 
Good luck! 


Bisbo, Ashley. “Fairytale Dreams: Disney Princesses’ Effect on Young Girls’ Self-Images.” Rutger’s School of Arts and Sciences.8(2014): 1-15. Web.

Hill, Kiara M. “The Making of a Disney Princess.” McNair Scholars Journal.11. (2014): 83-94. Web. 
Kincheloe, Joe L., and Shirley R. Steinberg. “Kinderculture: The Corporate Construction of Childhood.” Westview Press. 33.3. (2004): 212-216. Web.
Milkie, Melissa A. “Social comparisons, reflected appraisals, and mass media: The impact of persuasive beauty images on black and white girls' self concepts.” Social Psychology Quarterly. 62. (1999): 190-210. Web. 
O'Brien, Pamela C. “The happiest films on earth: A textual and contextual analysis of
Walt Disney's Cinderella and The Little Mennaid.” Women's Studies in
Communication. 19. (1997). 155-183. Web. 
Olfman, Sharna. The Sexualization of Childhood. Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2009. Print.

Women in Sports: Where is the Diversity?


My research topic is about Women in Sports and my research question is What are the gender role stereotypes that women have to face in athletics? During the time that your research paper is due, a million of other assignments will be due for the rest of your classes along with summer fever. Plan ahead for your paper. Follow the timeline that you are going to do along with your proposal and it will help you with time management. This seems like a lot thrown at you in the beginning, but when you start it little by little it will all come together. In order to write this paper, find a topic that seems very interesting to you because it will be a topic that you will know plenty of. I wish I followed my timeline and maintained focus throughout the whole process.

Good luck!


Bayazit, Betül. "The Effect Of Recreational Activities On Self-Esteem Development Of Girls In
Adolescence." Educational Research And Reviews 9.20 (2014): 920-924. ERIC. Web. 27 May 2015.

"Cheerleading 101: The Spirit Stick." Y98. CBS Local, n.d. Web. 10 May 2015.

English, Jane. "Sex Equality in Sports." Philosophy & Public Affairs 7.3 (1978): 269-77. JSTOR.
Web. 10 May 2015.

Gardner, Alex. "Foil Your Nemesis." Men's Health 30.4 (2015): 131. Academic Search
Complete. Web. 27 May 2015.

Hanson, Sandra L., and Rebecca S. Kraus. "Women, Sports, and Science: Do Female Athletes
Have an Advantage?" Sociology of Education 71.2 (1998): 93-110. JSTOR. Web.

O’Reilly, Jean, and Cahn, Susan K., eds. Women and Sports in the United States : A
Documentary Reader. Lebanon, NH, USA: Northeastern University Press, 2007.
ProQuest ebrary. Web. 27 May 2015.


Feminism and Gender Roles in Soccer

Hello fellow students!

My research paper was on Feminism and Gender Roles in soccer. I chose this topic simply because soccer is my favorite sport and it is also a well known sport across the world. On my paper i really focused on trying to figure out the different roles that women and men have in the sport of soccer. It is obvious that men soccer is far more superior than women's soccer but that doesn't mean that women should not play the sport. I was hoping to learn why women's soccer isn't appreciated or looked up too as much as men's soccer.
My advise to you all is to be prepared and ready to start researching for articles. Complete the assignments prior to the start of the researched paper it helps to organize what you plan on researching. I would also recommend that you go and visit Prof. Hicks in her office she is very helpful and understanding.

Good luck!


  Caudwell, Jayne. "Gender, Feminism and Football Studies." Soccer & Society, 12.3 (2011): 330 -344.

Caudwell, Jayne. ‘Women’s Football in the United Kingdom: Theorising Gender and Unpacking the Butch Lesbian Image’. Journal of Sport and Social Issues 23, no. 4 (1999): 390– 402.

Grainey, Timothy. Beyond Bend It Like Beckham: The Global Phenomenon of Women's Soccer. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2012. eBook

Daenerys Targaryen: The One True Queen of Westeros


I did my researched paper on Game of Thrones character, Daenerys Targaryen. She is my favorite character in the television show and in the books. In my paper, I decided to remain strictly to the television series. I wanted to know if Daenerys Targaryen was really a strong and independent ruler, or was she only seen this way because she controlled an army of eight thousand men and was the mother to three dragons?
My advice to those who are doing their paper, is to obviously not procrastinate. That is possibly the worst idea ever. There is so much work to be done in this paper and it should never be overlooked. Also, ask Jenny for help! She will really help you out if you need help on expanding more on your topic or fixing up your research question! And choose your sources wisely!

Good Luck!

My sources:

Weiss, D.B., Game of Thrones. First of His Name. HBO. May 4, 2014
Martin, George R. R. "Tyrion." A Dance with Dragons. New York: Bantam, 2011. Print.
Rodriguez, Amanda. "'Game of Thrones': The Meta-Feminist Arc of Daenerys Targaryen." (2014). Web. <>.
Beemer, Cristy. "The Female Monarchy: A Rhetorical Strategy of Early Modern Rule." 30: 272-73. Print.
Potter, Alison. "Game of Thrones Inspiration: Why Daenerys Targaryen Is a Feminist Icon." (2013). Print.
"Queen Elizabeth I Biography." Biography. Web.

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Hello future English 102 students,

          My partner Cristina and I, Tristen, did our researched paper on ballet. Almost every little girl has had the dream of being a prima ballerina. Everything from wearing the pointe shoes, wearing the tutu, the makeup, and just striving to be regal like prima ballerina. However is ballet all what it seems to be? In our researched paper Cristina and my question was does ballet have harmful stereotypes and/or harmful social expectations of the dancers? Through our findings and sources we both agree that ballet does have harmful stereotypes as well as harmful social expectations on and off stage from that can occur right when someone joins ballet.
          An advice from Cristina and I, along with everybody else, is do not and I repeat DO NOT procrastinate when doing this researched paper. Honestly by the time you have to turn in the research paper is during finals week and that in itself is a lot of stress so just spread out the work evenly from the time you get the assignment. As well if you a similar topic with a classmate don't hesitate to work with them. Working with a partner is so much more fun and it evenly splits the amount of stress between the two of you. As well don't forget to ask Jenny because she pitches some amazing ideas that you probably wouldn't think about and she can help you find sources if she knows your topic well.

Good Luck! Here are our sources:

Helen Thomas, ed. Dance, Gender, and Culture. Macmillan Press Ltd., 1993. Print


"A Brief History of Ballet" Pittsburgh Ballet Theater, n.d. Web. 2 Jun. 2015.


Angela Pickard. “Ballet body belief: perceptions of an ideal ballet body from young ballet dancers.” JSTOR : 7. Web. 29 May 2015.


Suzanne Juhasz. “The Prince Is Wearing a Tutu: Queer Identity and Identificatory Reading in Jane Hamilton's The Short History of a Prince” 149. MLA. Web. 30 May 2015.

Cohen, Sarah R. "Performing Identity In The Hard Nut: Stereotype, Modeling, And The Inventive Body." Yale Journal Of Criticism: Interpretation In The Humanities 11.2 (1998): 485-505. MLA International Bibliography. Web. 10 June 2015.

Drummond, Kent G. "The Queering Of Swan Lake: A New Male Gaze For The Performance Of Sexual Desire." Journal Of Homosexuality 45.2-4 (2003): 235-255. Academic Search Premier. Web. 29 Apr. 2015.

Not the hero, but the Villain

                  My topic focuses on effects the roles of Villains have towards young children. It interested me into doing this topic because I realized how young adolescents look up to fictional characters and how these characters submissively affect their mind set. Instead of focusing on the hero I wanted to do something different and look at the character that not many think are all that important. I focused on the role of the Red Skull in Captain America. 
                  The advice I have to offer is to definitely do this paper in a timely manner. Do not  wait until last minute to do this paper. Im sure like most students some of you will end up doing so, so at least try to get your sources down. The sources are the most important and probably the most difficult part. Overall the essay is not as difficult as it seems so don't panic just because it seems like a lot of work. Maybe panic if you choose to get it done the night before because although it may be possible, it will most likely not be your best possible paper. 

             Li-Vollmer, Meredith, and Mark E. LaPointe. "Gender Transgression And Villainy In Animated Film." Popular Communication1.2 (2003): 89. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 10 June 2015.

            Beck, Bernard. "This Gun For Hire: The Fascination Of Movie Assassins." Multicultural Perspectives 7.2 (2005): 29-32.Academic Search Premier. Web. 10 June 2015.

            King, C. (2000), Effects of humorous heroes and villains in violent action films. Journal of Communication, 50: 5–24. doi: 10.1111/j.1460-2466.2000.tb02831.x

           Klapp, Orrin. "American Villain- Types." JSTOR. American Sociological Association, n.d. Web. 10 June 2015. 

        Alsford, Mike. "Heroes and Villains." Google Books. Andrews Uk Limited, n.d. Web. 10 June 2015. 

LGBTQD: Queer Depictions in Disney

Hi English 102 students!

In this paper I looked at how LGBTQ people are portrayed in Disney films and why. What I found was that while there are no out characters, many are “queer coded” characters, or  characters that given traits/elements stereotypically associated with LGBTQ people. A huge chunk of male Disney villains were queer coded, mostly through their physical appearance, costumes, and body movement. This technique of queer coding the effeminate, implicitly gay villain goes back to the beginning of Hollywood film, where homosexuality was banned from the screen. Queer coded Disney villains can be found in films such as The Little Mermaid, Pocahontas, Hercules, Aladdin, and even The Lion King.
As to why negative depictions of LGBTQ people are still used in Disney films has no clear answer, but researchers have cited homophobia and sexism as probable causes. I found that this is a multidimensional topic because along with the sexuality issue, gender expectations also play a huge role. 

Here's some advice:
  • Procrastinate!! I'm just kidding, don't do it. You'll regret it.
  • Don't be intimidated by this paper, it was surprisingly easy to write. It was time consuming but not stressful, if that makes sense.
  • Start the search for sources early, it takes a while to find sources that are both academic and related to your topic.
  • If you're having difficulty finding sources talk to Jenny for help!


Abel, Sam. "The Rabbit In Drag: Camp And Gender Construction In The American Animated
Cartoon." Journal Of Popular Culture 29.(1995): 183-202. Humanities Full Text (H.W.  Wilson). Web. 26 May 2015.

Allen, Samantha. "What Disney Movies Taught Me about Being Gay." The Daily Dot. 25 Sept.
2014. Web. 08 June 2015.

Brode, Douglas. Multiculturalism and the Mouse: Race and Sex in Disney Entertainment.
Austin: U of Texas, 2005. Print.

Li-Vollmer, Meredith. "Gender Transgression And Villainy In Animated Film." Popular
Communication 1.2 (2003): 89-109. Academic Search Complete. Web. 30
May 2015.

Morgan, Joe. “The 14 Disney characters you had no idea were gay.” Gay Star News. 5 Oct.
2013. Web. 26 May 2015.

Putnam, Amanda. “Mean Ladies: Transgendered Villains in Disney Films”. Diversity in Disney
Films. Ed. Johnson Cheu. Jefferson, NC, USA: McFarland & Company, 2013. 147-155.

Russo, Vito. The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies. New York: Harper & Row,
1987. Print.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Disney And Its Impact on Children

Dear Future English 102 Students,

          My topic was about Disney, and I wanted to know if whether Disney impacts children in a negative or positive manner. I wanted to know how Disney and its films and merchandise can affect a child. Gender portrayals definitely touch this topic, and was the biggest issue of all. I have come to learn a lot about this topic. If you grew up with Disney, I say you pick this research topic.
          One advice I have for you is to start early on this research paper. Go to the CSULA library website and explore its thousands of journal articles and books they have. Starting early can definitely help, since you will have time to search for some of the best things related to your topic, therefore your research paper will be strong and accurate. Another advice I have for you is no NEVER hesitate to ask questions you have. I know Professor Hicks is more than glad to help you. If you are having trouble with your topic, go to Professor Hicks!

I used these sources, and hope they will help you like they helped me with my research paper.

Auster, Carol J. and Mansbach, Claire S. “The Gender Marketing of Toys: An Analysis of Color and Type of Toy on the Disney Store Website.” Sex Roles 67.7-8 (2012): 375-388. PscINFO. Web. 24 May 2015
England, Dawn Elizabeth and Descartes, Lara and Collier-Meek, Melissa A. “Gender Role Portrayal and the Disney Princesses.” Sex Roles 64 (2011): 555-567. PscINFO. Web. 26 May 2015
Towbin, Mia Adessa and Haddock, Shelley A. and Zimmerman, Toni Schindler and Lund, Lori K. and Tanner, Litsa Renee.  “Images of Gender, Race, Age, and Sexual Orientation in Disney Feature-Length Animated Films.” Journal of Feminist Family Therapy (2011): 555-567. PscINFO. Web. 29 May 2015
Ostrand, Amy. “Correlation Between Children’s Media And Body Dissatisfaction: Analyzing Recently-Released Disney Movies.” Conference Papers – National Communication Association (2009): 1. Communication & Mass Media Complete. Web. 1 June 2015
Orenstein, Peggy. “Cinderella Ate My Daughter.” New York: Harper, 2011. 11-32. Print
Asawarachan, Tanawan. “The Disney Influence on Kindergarten Girls’ Body Image.” Denton, Texas. UNT Digital Library. Web. 2 June 2015