Thursday, March 20, 2014

Why So Grim?

Mark Looney
Professor Jenny
Honors English 102
19 March 2014
Why So Grim?
            I chose the topic of finding out why the Grimm brothers wrote such dark fairy tales. I enjoy the Grimm brothers’ versions over the Disney versions of the fairy tales that everyone hears as children, and Professor Jenny helped me decide to find out why the Grimm Brothers’ version is so much different than the happy, child-friendly Disney or Perrault version. I looked to see if it was because of the death of their father and grandfather, if they wanted to appeal to a certain audience, or if that was the writing style of that time period. In order to find out about the answer to my research question, I got two books from the library and found 5 sources online and 4 of the 5 were academic sources. In my research, I found that there are many possible answers to my question, which are that they wrote in this dark way because they experienced tragedy in their life, the writing style was dark during that time period, or they were influenced by the ideas of Johann Gottfried Herder. I would say that they just wanted to appeal to a certain audience. I was unable to come to a definite decision because there was not enough evidence that made one possibility stand out amongst the rest. Also, I believe that Americans like the Grimms’ fairy tales because they are used to seeing violence on television every day.
1) I would start researching much earlier, so that you make sure that you have narrowed down all the possible sources that you want to look at. Also, researching earlier will give you a chance organize your sources better, which will help you in the long run.

2) Here is a list of sources that I used on my researched paper. I would recommend looking at them if you have a topic that has anything to do with the Grimm brothers.

Works Cited
"Brothers Grimm." March 18, 2014 2014.Web. <>.
Byram, Katra A. "Fairy Tales in the Modern(Ist) World: Gerhart Hauptmann’s Bahnwärter Thiel and Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach’sDas Gemeindekind." The German Quarterly 86.2 (2013): 141-59. Print.
Heald, David. "Realism in Medieval in German Literature." German Life and Letters 21.4 (June 30, 1968): 335-44. Print.
Robert, Marthe, and Wylie L. Powell. "The Grimm Brothers." Yale French Studies 43 (1969): 44-56. Print.
Sheehan, James J. German History 1770-1866. Eds. Lord Bullock and Sir William Deakin. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Print.
Tatar, Maria. "Sex and Violence." The Hard Facts of the Grimm's Fairy Tales. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1987. 3-38. Print.
Tokofsky, Peter. "The Brothers Grimm and their Critics: Folktales and the Quest for Meaning Save Reference." German Studies Review. Ed. Christa Kamanetsky. 3rd ed. 16 Vol. Baltimore, Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press, October 1993. 542-543. Print.

Mermaids: The Fall of Man, A Symbol

1) While I had great ideas for this paper, I realized I had some troubles always connecting what I analyzed back to the "so-what". Particularly so on my The Little Mermaid analysis. So I recommend to all future researched paper writers to visit Professor Jenny's Office Hours more frequently. In other words, make sure you plan out your thoughts earlier so you don't struggle last minute with too many ideas (don't be me).
2) I fear that this was as "researched" as it was supposed to be because although I found many sources, I ended up using only 4 for this research question. That scared me but I was also scared of changing my research question again and having to find more sources. The fact that it took me so long to choose a good research question was what threw my entire paper off. I definitely feel as if I needed more research or more time, but unfortunately all my time got spent researching many different questions until I finally settled on one I wanted.
3) So, ultimately, make sure you have a good research question from the beginning, and stay on top of it in case you notice you're still having troubles with the question. (Office hours are your friends)

Adams, Amanda. A Mermaid's Tale. Vancouver: Greystone, 2006. Print.

"Genesis 3 (King James Version)." Blue Letter Bible. Sowing Circle. Web. 20 Mar, 2014. 

McSherry, Lisa. "Octava; Swimming in Deep Waters: Mermaids as Symbols of      Transformation." The        Beltane Papers Spring 2005: 22. ProQuest. Web. 19 Mar. 2014 

Mermaid. 2000. Medieval Folklore: A Guide to Myths, Legends, Tales, Beliefs, and Customs. Ed.         Carl Lindahl, John McNamara, and John Lindow. New York: Oxford UP, 2002. 270-71. Print.

"The Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen (1836)." HCA.Gilead. Zvi Har’ El, 13 Dec.                   2007. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.

Waugh, Arthur. "The Folklore of the Merfolk." Taylor & Francis, Ltd. on behalf of Folklore          Enterprises, Ltd. June 1960: 11 JStor. Web. 19 Mar. 2014        


Ahoy, mateys! Thar be some things ye should know about this here researched paper!

Pirate dialogue aside, my advice to you would be to start researching your topic using broad terms, just to get you started. My mistake was trying to dive right in to answering my research question by using keywords related to it such as "pirates in popular culture" when I should have started off with just searching "pirates." I would also advise to ask for help as soon as you come across a problem. I thought that I could figure it out the problem by myself, but ended up getting stuck and putting off the research paper until the last week, when I finally asked for help. Do not make yourself rush a researched paper. It is not fun.

Another important thing to note is that you don't have to exactly answer the research question you made up. That is to say, it's okay if you can't find a direct answer to your topic question. It's the process that matters the most!

If I could do this paper again knowing what I know now, I would definitely have done all of the above. It is very stressful to try and finish a researched paper while studying for other finals. Like, very stressful.

As for my actual research questions, I decided to write about why we are so interested in pirates (such as in Pirates of the Caribbean) even though we know real pirates are really bad (like in Captain Phillips). I also decided to describe some notable differences between the "swashbuckling" pirates and real pirates.

Here are some sources that I found useful:

Selinger, Gail, and W. Thomas. Smith. Complete Idiot's Guide to Pirates. Indianapolis, IN: Alpha, 2006. Print.

Graeber, David. The Democracy Project: A History, a Crisis, a Movement. New York: Spiegel & Grau, 2013. Print.

Wilbur, Marguerite Eyer. Immortal Pirate: The Life of Sir Francis Drake. New York: Hastings House, 1951. Print.

True Love's Kiss

Do the research part of this paper early. The easiest part of this paper is the actual writing. The hardest part is the research. So if you start that early, the writing will come easy. Or at least it did for me. Again, my biggest problem is not doing enough rough drafts. But trust me, it will definitely make your happy a whole lot better than the first draft. But to do this, you have to do the actual writing really early. If I had known it was going to be this easy, I would have done started on the writing a long time ago. 

My topic is about kissing, particularly in the fairy tales Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, The Frog Prince, and Beauty and the Beast. It's mostly about the influences of these fairy tales on society, and how the simple "kiss" is so influential on gender's roles and expectation in society.

Some very useful sources that could be used for any topic relating to any of these fairy tales (does not have to be about kissing) is:

Title: The Classic Fairytales
Author: Maria Tatar
Address: GR 550 C57 1999
MLA Citation: Tatar, Maria, ed. The Classic Fairytales. New York: W. W. Norton &, 1999. Print.

Title: Fairy Tales from Before Fairy Tales
Author: Jan M. Ziolkowski
Address: GR 550 Z55 2007
MLA Citation: Ziolkowski, Jan M. Fairy Tales from Before Fairy Tales. N.p.: University of Michigan, 2007. Print.

Title: Breaking the Magic Spell
Author: Jack Zipes
Address: GR 74 256 2002
MLA Citation: Zipes, Jack. Breaking the Magic Spell. Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2002. Print.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Call of the Wild

Greetings from the past!

     Hello future victims- I mean future victors of success and achievement of Professor Hicks English class. Everyone is going to say this so I’m just going to repeat it anyways, but it is best if you start the paper early. However, what not everyone is going to tell you is that this doesn't necessarily mean you have to start writing any of the portions; it could also mean brainstorming, organizing ideas, taking notes, thinking about it in the shower, dreaming about it, having an existential college life crisis about it- you get where I’m going. I say this because one of the major problems I had with this assignment was to actually start the writing. I had a bunch of ideas that I wanted to put down on paper, but I couldn't connect or reiterate or organize them very well. As a result, much procrastinating ensued, procrastinating for days, days on end. But once I got passed that writing slump, I noticed that sections 1,2, and 4 were much easier to write than section 3. So, another piece of advice would be to get those out of the way early so you can focus on section 3 (which is where the bulk of the points are anyways). Another thing you should do is to make an outline; having something to follow makes the entire writing process significantly easier in terms of organization, getting ideas down on paper, and knowing how your paper should look overall. Finding appropriate research for your topic is important as well; finding good information is even harder, so make sure you allocate a fair amount of time to that. And if anything happens and you get stuck, feel free to ask Professor Hicks for help. She’s awfully nice and chill, so no need to fret!

     My research question was "What happens to fairy tale characters when they enter the woods?" This question explores the psychological and symbolic aspects of character interaction with their environment in fairy tales. From my research, I was able to conclude that fairy tale characters undergo a transformation when they enter the woods; this transformation is brought upon by resolving the problems lodged within their unconscious, which is represented by the woods. Sources that helped me to reach this conclusion will be shared below. In regards to finding sources, I would suggest using the library database, but I had a fairly difficult time with it, so instead I suggest using websites. However, since websites are not credible sources, I suggest take the information they have to offer and cross-reference it with a journal article or a more credible source to gauge accuracy. Here are some helpful sources:

Bettelheim, Bruno. The Uses Of Enchantment: The Meaning And Importance of Fairy Tales. New York: Vintage Books. 1975. Print. (This one is good for fairy tale analysis)

Cirlot, J.E. A Dictionary of Symbols. New York: Dover Publications. 2002. Print. (Great resource for symbology)

"" Storynory Site RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. (Need primary sources? Go here)

Reality Turned Into Myth: Zombies

1. Give yourself time to complete this! 

I found that you have to make time to:

-gather sources (especially books)

-look through your sources and select the 

information you wish to use

-write your actual essay

Honestly, I wish that I had given myself more time 

to look through my sources. There's a lot of 

information you have to filter out and it can take a 

while to do this properly. Also, when it came to 

writing my essay, I found that I had to throw out 

lot of my sources because they 

weren't too relevant to my topic and had to go find new ones.

Displays how our blind following of
certain trends can leave us "brainless."
Not meant to be offensive.
2. As you might have guessed by the pictures, I chose 

to write about Zombies. It took a while to find my 

research question but in the end I chose to 

investigate: How real are they? This is an 

extensive topic but my research led me to the 

zombie's origin in Haiti. It was really quite interesting 

to see the type of zombie that exists in this region; I 

largely concentrated on this and tied it obedience 

and conformity. Good luck :)

Some Useful Sources:
-Bauerlein, Mark. The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future (or, Don't Trust Anyone under 30). New York, NY: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2008. Print.
-Davis, Wade. Passage of Darkness: The Ethnobiology of the Haitian Zombie. Chapel Hill: University of -North Carolina, 1988. Print.
-Mogk, Matt. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Zombies. New York: Gallery, 2011. Print.
-Sloth, TE, and David Wong. "5 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Apocalypse Could Actually Happen." N.p., 29 Oct. 2007. Web. 5 Feb. 2014.<>. <--Not a scholarly source but can get some ideas flowing :)

The Reason why Zombies are so Popular


            First of all I will state what everyone else always states, do this earlier rather than later. It definitely is not something you want to be worrying about during finals week. Second, choose a topic that will not be difficult to write the paper with. It will save you trouble and time.

If I would have known before what I know now, I would have chosen zombies right from the start instead of environmental messages in Wall-E.

            My topic for this paper was on zombies and “why are they so popular” and that lead to the question of “what do zombies represent?” I used the school’s library search engine for all my sources, beside my texts. The text titles were “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies” and “The dumbest generation: how the digital age stupefies young Americans and jeopardizes our future (or, don’t trust anyone under 30)”. These were two helpful texts for this subject. There is no way you cannot find sources for this topic. There are tons in the school’s database so finding information will not be a problem.

Bauerlein, Mark. The dumbest generation : how the digital age stupefies young Americans and jeopardizes our future (or, don’t trust anyone under 30). New York, NY: n.p., 2008. Print

Mogk, Matt. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Zombies. N.p.: Simon and Schuster, 2011. Web. 19 Mar. 2014.


Superheroes and Their Influence on Children

1. The most important and most obvious thing that I should have known from the beginning was to start as early as possible. It really helped starting my research early, because I was able to conduct the research more calmly and didn't panic when I had trouble finding sources. If I had known it would be that helpful, I may have started my research much sooner. I wish I would have started the heavier research process before writing my proposal, because I had originally only found non-academic sources and I lost confidence in them by the time I started finding the academic sources. It's also important to choose something you know you'll be interested in, because it makes the process a lot easier and it feels less like a chore.

2. My research question was "How do superheroes influence the way children grow up and identify themselves?" In order to answer this question, I tried to focus on gender roles and body images. If you are going to try something similar, it is important to know different ways to search for "gender roles" and also know to look for both "super hero" and "superhero" because it does make a difference. My two most useful resources for the paper were:

Psychology of Superheroes : An Unauthorized Exploration . Ed. Robin S. Rosenberg. Dallas, TX, USA: BenBella Books, 2008. Web.
  Young, Ariana F., Shira Gabriel, and Jordan L. Hollar. "Batman to the Rescue! the Protective Effects of Parasocial Relationships with Muscular Superheroes on Men's Body Image." Journal of experimental social psychology 49.1 (2013): 173-7. Web.

Apples and Fairy tales.

Hey there English 102 Students,
       As you may know, I am a student just like you. If you didn't know, you know now. When I was given this amazing task of writing a research paper, I threw it in the back of my head. This was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. By not starting to at least research about my topic, I have had a very hard time writing this paper. Though it is easier than the other essays we have had for this class, the process for writing a research paper is quite stressful if you do not start it soon. By starting on it before most, you will have the advantage of showing it to your teacher. Plus, I'm sure that Ms. Jenny would be way more than happy to see that you are on top of things and not a procrastinating type much like myself.
       Knowing what I know now, I wish I would have started sooner and not have procrastinated. Procrastination, though it seems like the easiest way out, is not. This Saturday, the 17th, there was an earthquake that occurred in LA in the morning. In my head this was not only God but Jesus punishing me about how I should have started sooner and not have waited for so long. One of these days I'm going to get help for my procrastination problem.
       My research topic was about apples and their symbolization in fairy tales. The most useful sources I found were two books and obviously, the encyclopedia post on the symbolization of apples which gave me the background information I needed.

        The sources are as follows:

"Apple (symbolism)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 15 Mar. 2014. Web. 18 Mar. 2014.
Surmelian, Leon Z. Apples of Immortality. Berkeley: University of California, 1968. Print.
Ruck, Carl A. P. The Hidden World: Survival of Pagan Shamanic Themes in European Fairytales. Durham, NC: Carolina Academic, 2007. Print. 

(: Good Luck! :)

Disney's Impact on Children

Dear English 102 students,
As everyone else, I advise to start your research early, but don't stop there! Printing out a few articles and checking out books from the library can be considered researching but in reality, you need to make sure the articles and books actually relate to your topic. I would also suggest to team up with other people in the class that have similar topics to your own. I wrote the researched paper on my own and I am certain that I would have started earlier if I had been part of a team. Before you start writing your essay, make sure that there is plenty of information on the topic you chose and above all, be INTERESTED in your topic. It will help you be motivated throughout the research process. I actually had to revise my topic because it was too broad, but I wish I had changed my research question sooner because it made the research process easier. I would have preferred to visit Professor Jenny for more advice on my essay and I advise all students to do this, especially for the researched paper.

My research question was originally going to focus on the psychological effects of Disney on young girls, but I changed it to " Is Disney's impact on children positive or negative?" I wanted to research the influence that Disney has on children's identity formation, girls and boys. I also wanted to see if the impact was negative or positive.  I found the following sources useful for finding information on my topic. All three of these sources can be found in the CSULA library.

Stone, Kay F. "The Misuse Of Enchantment: Controversies on the Significance of Fairy Tales." Women's Folklore, Women's Culture. Ed. Rosan A. Jordan. Vol. 8. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1985. 125-45. Print. Publication of the American Folklore Society.

Orenstein, Peggy. Cinderella Ate My Daughter: Dispatches From the Front Lines of the New Girlie-Girl Culture. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2011. Print.

Mickey Mouse Monopoly. Prod. Chyng Feng Sun. Dir. Miguel Pickler. Media Education Foundation, 2002. DVD.

Celeste Gamez

The Evil Within.

Hello people of the  future,

You've probably read all these other blogs saying, to start early on your research and yeah you should start early, but honestly no matter how much it's told to us we don't do it. So I wont give you that advice to start early, but what I would advise you to do is love your research! It is going to seem so easy to just pick a random topic to research but it's not that easy. Plus, if you aren't completely stoked on your research you'll get bored soon and give up. Research something that REALLY interests you something that you like not just simply things you don't know the answer to. This research paper is how the professor puts it, a marriage, so love your topic as best you can and you'll live a happy life. Personally I wish I could've done this in the beginning. I was so lost with my topic I didn't know where I was going with it. I wish I would've fallen in love with the topic sooner so I would've enjoyed writing the essay a tad bit more.

My topic turned out to be a bit confusing to explain, but I'll try. It was about the reasoning behind why people see evil as bad and how these perceptions of evil first come about to us. I was hoping I would find a lot of books on this topic but that wasn't not initially the case, but fear not! The library did end up being a great place to find my sources, perhaps not in the book section, but rather in the media section in the 3rd floor of the library. It is the forbidden place so you should look at the library's database first to know which video recording you plan on checking out first. Video and media sources are really easy to use and more interesting than books. Here are two of the most useful sources I used in my research:

Zimbardo speaks: the Lucifer effect and the psychology of evil. Uniview Worldwide       Ltd. 2009. Video Recording

Rosenbaum, Ron. Explaining Hitler: The Search for the Origins of His Evil. New York:      Random House, 1998. Print.

hopefully they are of some help, happy researching!

Why Atlantis?

1. The first thing I would like to say about the researched paper is that definitely it has to be started soon in order to complete the assignment successfully and without stress. I also would recommend that students have a clear idea of what exactly they want to do with the topic they use. I definitely did have trouble trying to figure out what I wanted to explain about my topic. But eventually I was able to figure it out, which is why it was good for me to begin early. The most important part I feel was finding good information that would help me explain my point. I do wish I would have had a more clear idea from the start of what I wanted to do because I would have saved myself a whole lot of work and time doing this paper. Other than that it was pretty fun learning about myths and about Atlantis during the process.

2. My research question was why do people still search for Atlantis and create all these different theories. I did find a lot of different ideas and theories that different archeologist, geologist, and historians had about Atlantis. Many were completely sure that Atlantis existed, and others were more realistic and related it to mans urge of seeking a Utopian society. Overall, it was very interesting and I was able to find some really good resources in the library on this topic. There are many books available in the library and a few articles on the universities database. Below I will share the citations to the helpful resources I came across during my research.

Billingsley, Dale B. "The Credibility of Atlantis." The Georgia Review 36.4 (1982): 791-802. JSTOR. Web. 19 Mar. 2014. <>.

Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. Blauvelt, NY: R. Steiner Publications, 1971. Print.

Eichner, Henry M. Atlantean Chronicles. Alhambra, CA: Fantasy Pub., 1971. Print.

Kolosimo, Peter. Timeless Earth. London: Garnstone, 1973. Print.

Sprague, De Camp L. Lost Continents; the Atlantis Theme in History, Science, and Literature. New York: Dover Publications, 1970. Print.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Deeper Meaning of Anime

1.Due to some experiences in high school, the thought of a research paper scared me. However once I learned the difference between a research paper and a "researched" paper, I was a bit more at ease. A research paper involves having a question, finding all sorts of sources regarding to your topic and analyzing them all for the best information and so on and so forth. This "researched" paper is more about kinda the process and less about the end. While you still want to come to a relevant and academic conclusion, this paper deal a lot with the process of finding your sources as well as how you had to change your question as you went on."This researched" paper is much easier than a research paper, but that doesn't mean do it at the last minute. Finding your sources can be really tough if you are unfamiliar with the library. And getting a head start wouldn't hurt either because some of the connections and the analysis can take a bit of effort.

2.Our group (collaborative paper between Karl L, Jonathan D, and I ), was researching the influence of Japanese folklore and their culture on modern anime. There is a lot of evidence to Shinto and the importance to nature in many of the anime, and these themes are vary apparent in the folklore and history of Japan. However our group in general didn't have much prior knowledge of Japanese folk lore so we had to research that before we could really get started. After that we found some pretty helpful sources that will be shared below.

Kawai, Hayao. The Japanese Psyche. Texas: Spring Publications, Inc., 1988. Print.
Ohta, Matsa. Japanese Folklore in English. Tokyo: Miraisha. Print.
Yamaguchi, Susumu. "Collectivism among the Japanese." Individualism and Collectivism: Theory, Method,and Applications. Thousand Oaks, CA: SagePublications, 1994.
175-85. Print.

Mythical Swords

1. This research paper probably has taught me more than any of my previous research projects. I have always thought the research projects involved finding a bunch of sources and compiling all of their information into one paper. However, with this project I was challenged to go beyond that and really make connections that go beyond the facts. It was a really satisfying experience in the end. I will admit though in the beginning I felt like I was really struggling to find sources because none of them were directly answering my questions, but making the connections on my own was the best part of this paper. So future students, if you are struggling with finding sources, ask for help. Professor Jenny gave all of us immense support in finding sources as did the people who work at the reference desk in the library. Seek their help and you will have an easier time.

2. My topic was investigating the influences of mythical swords in past cultures in England as well as our culture now. I searched far and wide for my sources but my advice would be to get practice using the library database for your searches.The search engine can be pretty picky when it comes to word choice so don't give up if your first search comes up with nothing, use a synonym. Of the following sources the best one to look at is the "The king of swords", it was the best article ever.

Albert, Edoardo, and Paul Gething. "The King of Swords." History Today 60.2 (2010): 5-6. ProQuest. Web. 18 Mar. 2014. Web.

Davidson, H. R. Ellis. The Sword in Anglo-Saxon England: Its Archaeology and Literature. Oxford: Clarendon, 1962. Print.

Lapidge, Michael. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Anglo-Saxon England. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. Print.

Monday, March 17, 2014


 Quan Nguyen

Doing research paper is always not my favorite exercise since to me, it takes a lot of efforts reading the articles, the book carefully to find out the strong connection between those sources and my position for the paper. For me, just skimming at the articles does not work at all. My advice for you is choosing the topic that you are interested in since it will be easier for you to read the sources related to your favorite topic. Besides, you should keep talk to the professor about every main step you are doing with your research paper to make sure that you are on the right track. Do not wait until you finish your paper and come to our professor's office and find out that your topic is too broad ; therefore, your paper is not coherent or that the evidences you use do not effectively support your paper. Moreover, as always, try your best, I know it is hard, to be on time with your own schedule. If you can not do that, you can use my own tip: make appointment with the professor after you have already decided your research question and of course, you have to have something to talk to her. For me, I wanted to at least finish finding sources and place them in my paragraph with my own points before coming to her office, so she could pointed out big mistake that I definitely had to fix for my paper. That really worked for me. Furthermore, when I first started this research question, I had no idea of the term "Beauty myth", so I did not consider the topic Beauty Myth and its influence on women. If you want to write about something related to my topic, you can think of this option.  

My research question is how does beauty in fairy tales influence female audience? Most of my sources are journal articles with peer review that I took from CSULA website. You can find them by typing “Fairy Tale* and Beauty” or “Fairy Tale* and Feminine”. Besides, one of the most useful sources for my paper is the book "The Beauty Myth" that I borrowed from professor Hicks.

These are some sources that I used for my paper:

Grauerholz, Liz, and Lori Baker-Sperry. "The Pervasiveness and Persistence of the Feminine Beauty Ideal in Children's Fairy Tales." Gender & Society, 17.5 (2003): 711-726.
Creedon, Jill. "Women's Studies." Surgical Cosmetic Enhancement: The Snow White Dilemma. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.<>
Flippin, Candise. "'Mirror, Mirror ...'. Fact or Fiction." Plastic Surgical Nursing : Official Journal of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgical Nurses, 28.3 (2008): 111.
"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937 Film)." - Wikiquote. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014. <>
Yecheng. "Globalizing Women’s Beauty." Globalization Seminar Davidson. N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Mar. 2014.  <>
Forbes, Gordon, Linda Collinsworth, Rebecca Jobe, Kristen Braun, and Leslie Wise. "Sexism, Hostility Toward Women, and Endorsement of Beauty Ideals and Practices: Are Beauty Ideals Associated with Oppressive Beliefs?." Sex Roles, 56.5 (2007): 265-273.
Zipes, Jack. "The Dark Side of Beauty and the Beast: The Origins of the Literary Fairy Tale for Children." Children's Literature Association Quarterly, 1981.1 (1981): 119-125.
Wolf, Naomi. The Beauty Myth: How Images of Beauty Are Used against Women. New York: W. Morrow, 1991. Print.
Greenhill, Pauline, and Sidney Eve. Matrix. Fairy Tale Films: Visions of Ambiguity. Logan, UT: Utah State UP, 2010. Print.