Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Deeper Meaning of Anime

1.Due to some experiences in high school, the thought of a research paper scared me. However once I learned the difference between a research paper and a "researched" paper, I was a bit more at ease. A research paper involves having a question, finding all sorts of sources regarding to your topic and analyzing them all for the best information and so on and so forth. This "researched" paper is more about kinda the process and less about the end. While you still want to come to a relevant and academic conclusion, this paper deal a lot with the process of finding your sources as well as how you had to change your question as you went on."This researched" paper is much easier than a research paper, but that doesn't mean do it at the last minute. Finding your sources can be really tough if you are unfamiliar with the library. And getting a head start wouldn't hurt either because some of the connections and the analysis can take a bit of effort.

2.Our group (collaborative paper between Karl L, Jonathan D, and I ), was researching the influence of Japanese folklore and their culture on modern anime. There is a lot of evidence to Shinto and the importance to nature in many of the anime, and these themes are vary apparent in the folklore and history of Japan. However our group in general didn't have much prior knowledge of Japanese folk lore so we had to research that before we could really get started. After that we found some pretty helpful sources that will be shared below.

Kawai, Hayao. The Japanese Psyche. Texas: Spring Publications, Inc., 1988. Print.
Ohta, Matsa. Japanese Folklore in English. Tokyo: Miraisha. Print.
Yamaguchi, Susumu. "Collectivism among the Japanese." Individualism and Collectivism: Theory, Method,and Applications. Thousand Oaks, CA: SagePublications, 1994.
175-85. Print.

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