Sunday, March 13, 2011

Baseball and Superstitions

Baseball Superstitions

I’m a huge sports fan and an even bigger baseball fan. This is probably my favorite assignment ever because I got to choose something that I liked as a topic. So for anyone, choose a topic you really like and can get into. It makes the burden of getting the assignment done, well not a burden. This is a different assignment because not many professors like to hear or let their students use first person point of view.
For anyone choosing this topic there are many books and websites that show what superstitions there are.

I recommend:


Jinxed: Baseball Superstitions from around the League by Ken Leiker
Don't Step on the Foul Line: Sports Superstition. By George Sullivan
The Incomplete Book of Baseball Superstitions, Rituals, and Oddities. By Mike Blake

Another good source is
“Baseball Magic” by George Gmelch.

If you want to go deeper into why players are superstitious, I’d check out more psychologist essays and thoughts on people and superstitions. Those can be very helpful.

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