Saturday, June 1, 2013

Evolution of Vampires

In completing my research paper, there are a few things I can advise that I think will make your lives easier regardless of your topics. First of all, when you first hear of the research paper in English 102, you might freak out a bit just like I did. However, in all honesty this paper wasn't that bad at all! and for your information, this is coming from someone who dislikes writing papers. I advise you to take this paper step by step because you do have sometime to finish. when it comes to actually finding research which I believe is the most time consuming, go to a pair tutor that im sure Mrs. Hicks will tell you about. It helped me a lot to see a pair tutor. It must have only taken me no more than ten minutes to find great articles! Also, I would obviously have to say to not slack off TOO much and literally put off the research paper until the last week. I wish that I knew about pair tutors before I started doing research at home because I was so lost . I was already starting to doubt the topic I had chosen but with help in searching for research, I found that my topic was great! probably what I would've done differently is start working on part III instead of I and II because III is definitely the most difficult.

Now, my topic was on vampires and their roles throughout time. I basically started with the origins of vampires and how they were first seen as a horror figure and through time progressed to symbolizing things such as homosexuality, STDs, and including somewhat stereotypical gender roles. My question for this paper was " How are the roles of vampires from back then different from the ones shown in more modern times?". In searching for answers to my question, the sources that I found  most useful were...

Day,Peter. "Vampires Myths And Metaphors Of Enduring Evil". Volume 28. Amsterdam-New York, NY 2006.

Dresser, Norine. "American Vampires fans, victims, and practitioners". w-w- Norton and Company- New York- London.

McGunnigle, Christopher. "My Own Vampire The Metamorphosis of the Queer Monster In Francis Ford Coppola's Bram Stoker's Dracula".

Fink, Marty. "Aids Vampires: Reimagining Illness in Octavia Butler's Fledging". Science Fiction Studies, volume 37 (2010).

Bode, Lisa. "Transitonal Tastes: Teen girls and genre in the critical reception of Twilight". Continuum: journal of Media and Cultural Studies Vol.24. No5, October 2010, 707-719.

for these sources, you could find them on the school's data base.  For the two books , I found them in the GR section in the library (Second Floor). I recommend asking a pair tutor for help if you cant find them.

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